1.1. The Club shall be called Tiverton & District Angling Club.
2.1 The Club Postal address shall be: Club Secretary Crantock, Blundell’s Road, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 4NA
3.1. The Objects of the Club shall be:
3.2. To promote, foster and safeguard the Sport of Coarse Angling.
3.3. To adopt and enforce the Laws of the Sport of Coarse Angling
3.4. To hold Annual Club Competitions.
3.5. To entertain other visiting Clubs and or Anglers.
3.6. To acquire when and where possible waters for the purpose of Coarse Angling
4.1. Membership of the Club shall be open to all ages and both sexes and shall be granted under the following headings.
4.2. Life Members. Life Membership shall be granted to Full Members for outstanding service to the club. Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting .
4.3. Senior Members. Senior Members shall be Members having paid the Senior Members Subscription, in the current year, an shall be allowed full and free use of all waters controlled by the club.
4.4. Junior Members. Junior Members shall be those persons under the age of 17 as at the 1st of January of the current year having paid the Junior Members Subscription.
4.5. Senior Citizen and Disabled Members. Senior Citizen and Disabled Members shall be Members who on furnishing proof of eligibility pay a reduced Subscription in the current year for their Membership.
4.6. The Club reserves the right to refuse Membership without the need to disclose their reasons
5.1. The Annual Rents for any waters controlled by the club shall be paid as laid down by the terms of the leases held on those waters.
5.2. The General Management Committee is empowered to pay such other subscriptions as are deemed necessary. Club Competition fees as decided at the Annual General Meeting shall become payable on or before the day of the Competition. No member shall be selected or allowed to participate in any match or competition until the Membership fee and the competition fee has been paid in full.
5.3. Annual Membership Subscriptions are not refundable.
5.4. Annual Subscription Fees as at the previous A.G.M. will be, Senior Members £37.00 Junior Members £5.00. Senior Citizen and Disabled members £30.00 (Proof of eligibility must be shown at time of Purchase)
5.5. The purchase of a Tiverton and District Club Permit will be deemed as acceptance of the Constitution and Rules as laid down herein.
5.6. No monies or property of the Club, or any gain arising from the carrying on of the Club shall be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club or for some charitable or benevolent purpose by resolution of the General Management Committee.
5.7. Should the Club discontinue then all the funds remaining after commitments have been met will go to the Marie Curie Foundation Tiverton
6.1. The management of the Club shall be entrusted to the General Management Committee consisting of the following Officers : Chairman. Vice Chairman. Secretary. Treasurer . Match Secretary. Membership Secretary. Canal Liaison Officer. Together up to 8 other members of the Club all to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
6.2. A minimum of 4 Management Committee Meetings shall be held at an agreed venue on the 1st Friday of each month (including Bank Holidays) at 7.30pm.
6.3. Seven members of the General Management Committee (to include a minimum of 3 officers) present in person are needed at any Committee meeting to form a quorum.
6.4. Failure to attend three committee meetings in succession without due reason will render the offender liable to expulsion from the committee at the committees discretion.
6.5. The following persons shall act as Trustees of the Club in respect of Club Leases, Dennis Hunt, Michael Edwards, Malcolm Trump, Eric Priest If any of them disassociate themselves from the Club they must tender their resignation as a Trustee and a replacement will be nominated by the General Management Committee The deed of trustees will be updated and held at the solicitors office.
6.6. The General Management Committee shall have the power at any time and from time to time to fill any casual vacancy among Officers and General Management Committee by co-option. Any Officer or member of the General Management Committee so appointed should hold office until the next AGM but shall then be eligible for re-election.
6.7. All cheques drawn must be signed by any two of the following :- Treasurer and two other pre-named members.
7.1. The Annual General meetings shall be held on the 2nd Monday in November and displayed by form of announcement on the club website at least 1 month prior.
7.2. All items for the agenda of the Annual General meeting must be received by the Secretary not less than 21 days prior to the meeting and must be signed by that member.
7.3. The following Officers and Committee Members shall be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
7.4. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Membership Secretary, Canal Liaison Officer and Eight other members.
7.5. All, Sub-Committees necessary for the running of the Club to be formed by the Management Committee extending invitation's to Club members to serve for a period of one year from the date of acceptance or until the date of the next Annual General Meeting which ever is the shorter period.
7.6. All Sub-Committees shall report back to the General Management Committee.
7.7. The report of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, and Membership Secretary, and the Canal Liaison Officer shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting. Audited Balance Sheets of the Club shall be published annually and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
7.8. The Annual General Meeting is empowered to alter or amend any Club rule that has been duly notified to the members. These alterations requiring a simple majority of the members present. A simple majority is required for ordinary motions put to the meeting and members entitled to vote but not attending the meeting shall be bound by the decisions of the meeting.
7.9. Voting at the Annual General Meeting will only be participated in by fully paid up members of the current season present at the meeting and will be done by ballot or by a show of membership permits on each motion. Junior and Senior members will have the same voting powers on general club matters but can only vote on other club matters when they concern their relevant section of the club.
7.10. The position of President and up to 4 Vice-Presidents will be by invitation. Such persons to be nominated and reaffirmed at the meeting and invited to serve immediately after such meeting.
8.1. The General Management Committee may summon an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time on giving seven days notice.
8.2. The General Management Committee shall also call an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever a written application is made, signed by at least twenty full members, within fourteen days of receipt of such written application. Such applications must state the purpose for which the meeting is required.
8.3. Notice convening such meetings shall be inserted in the local newspaper and posted in the local Angling Shop seven days before such meetings and the names of the members requiring the meeting to be convened shall be given in the notice.
8.4. No Business shall be discussed at such meetings other than that mentioned in the requisition.
8.5. When the Secretary receives such a requisition he shall call a meeting of the General Management Committee, to be held within seven days, to consider the requisition prior to calling the meeting.
9.1. The digging of the bankside is strictly prohibited.
9.2. Fishing must be from the marked out swims where they are present.
9.3. Fishing is only allowed from the Towpath bankside
9.4. The use of lead shot or lead ledger weights is prohibited. The prohibition does not apply to weights of lead of 0.06grms or less or more than 28.35grms
9.5. The Grand Western Horse Boat Company has priority at all times and must not be obstructed or impeded during it’s operation. Stand well clear of the horse and tow-rope, remove items of tackle liable to cause obstruction. Advisable to avoid fishing where direct conflict can occur ie at point of departure and turning points.
9.6. Members are requested not to place pole rollers or fishing tackle in a position that is likely to obstruct the free passage of the tow path.
9.7. Members are requested not to obstruct the tow path with sections of poles and to cause the minimum amount of obstruction when unshipping a pole or playing a fish.
9.8. No fixed feeders/leads permitted on all club waters.
9.9. All anglers must ensure that litter and tackle is removed from the pegs when they have finished fishing.
9.10 No tents or bivvies are permitted along the canal
9.11. Fishing on the canal is limited to a maximum of 2 rods in use at any one time. Members are restricted to the use of one rod only at any one time in the canal basin ONLY.
9.12. Fishing is permitted on all club waters during the hours of daylight ONLY.
9.13. Driving of motor vehicles on the GW canal towpath and on the grass verge at Lakeside is strictly forbidden and anyone doing so may find themselves liable to expulsions from the club.
9.14. There is no formal closed season on the Grand Western Canal
9.15. No defined close season will be imposed on any club user other than that required by the riparian owner or required by the General Management Committee for reason concerning the safeguard of a Fishery or its stock.
9.16. Devon County Council and Local Authority by-law will be strictly adhered to.
9.17. The General Management Committee shall have the power to expel any member who has offended against the rules of the Club or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the General Management Committee render them unfit for membership.
9.18. Before any such member is expelled the Secretary shall give them seven days written notice to attend a meeting of the General Management Committee and shall inform them of the complaint made against them.
9.19. No member shall be expelled without having the opportunity at appearing before the General Management Committee and answering complaints made against him or her and unless at least two thirds of the General Management Committee then present vote in favour of their expulsion.
9.20. Any member having cause of complaint shall send the same in writing, to the Club Secretary and such complaint shall be considered by the General Management Committee at its next meeting. The General Management. Committee decision shall be final.
9.21. The club shall admit no liability for events arising from members fishing waters controlled by the club. Members shall be held personally responsible for any damage or claim arising there from. Any members fishing in waters controlled by the club shall do so at his or her own risk and shall have no claim on the club whatsoever
10.1. Anglers wishing to enter Club competitions must post their names on the official match booking-in form or contact the Match organiser by 12.00 noon on the day prior to the competition unless advertised differently. There will be strictly no entry after that time, all persons so entered will be liable to pay the match pegging fee.
10.2. A pegging fee will be applied to all open matches and to matches and visiting clubs who have pre-booked through the match organiser.
10.3. Apart from open matches, entrants must have proof of a full membership licence to be eligible to fish club competitions.
10.4. The draw for pegs will close 15 minutes after the commencement or as soon as the last participant has drawn whichever is the later.
10.5. Members are requested to remain at their pegs for the duration of the match and cause the minimum amount of disturbance to other anglers participating. Any dispute or complaint during any match must be reported to the match organiser within 1 hour of the close of the match .0n receipt of a complaint to the Match organiser, a competitor may render him or herself liable to disqualification. The Match organiser's decision will be final.
10.6. To be eligible for the club match qualifier or final, full members must have fished a minimum of 6 club organised points matches excluding opens.
10.7. The total points gained at the end of the season will be on aggregate of the best 9 results from 12 matches for which points are awarded.
10.8. At the end of the series, the top 10 points placings will qualify to fish the club match final. The remaining 2 places will be taken by the winner and runner up of the club final qualifier which will comprise those anglers in positions 11th to 20th points placings provided they have fished the mandatory 6 points matches.
10.9. Any peg found to contain litter at the weigh-in would render the angler disqualified from the match.
10.10. Only live fish to be weighed in.
10.11. All matches organised by the club will be fished to rules set by the match organiser.
10.12. No artificial baits or lures to be used during the matches.
10.13. No practicing match venue 48 hours prior to the competition.
10.14. Pike will count in all matches, but dead or live-baiting with snap-tackle, other than bona-fide pike matches, will not count.
10.15. Anglers who fail to attend a match, having duly signed in, will be liable to a £5 fine.
10.16. No fixed feeders/leads permitted on all club waters
Lakeside Fishery
1) Single rod only, except for period Oct-March (inclusive) when 2 rods/person may be used , provided the angler keeps to one swim and does not encroach on other anglers swims. No rods or baited tackle to be left unattended.
2) Lakeside is open all year to club members however during the winter months the club may deem it necessary to temporarily install ropes across the lake as an anti-cormorant deterrent. Anglers are asked to fish with care in this instance and would ask for any feedback on cormorant activity during this or any other time.
3) All anglers must be in possession of a valid Environment Agency Rod licence, a current full member's licence and/or day ticket before fishing.
4) All anglers will be responsible for closing the gates on entering and exiting the fishery and for the taking away of any litter left by anglers on or around the waters.
5) No Carp over 5lb to be retained in keep nets. Please ensure carp and silver fish are kept in separate keep nets. Guideline max. 25kg per net.
6) No boilie or nut baits to be used.
7) Barbless Hooks Only to maximum size 10
8) An adult full member must accompany juniors at all times
9) NO night fishing allowed (1 hour before sunrise and I hour after sunset).
10) No artificial baits/lures permitted.
11) No fixed feeders/leads permitted on all club waters.
12) The Water is restricted to FULL members at weekends with day tickets available for Monday to Friday.
13) The use of braid is strictly prohibited
14) The digging of bankside vegetation including lilies is strictly forbidden. Anglers must fish from the permanent marked swims.
15) No dogs allowed.
16) Only Club organized matches allowed.
17) All vehicles to stay within designated parking area, NO vehicles to be driven on the grass.
18) All fish to be returned alive to the water, no fish to be transferred between ponds.
19) Tiverton & District Angling Club will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to property or vehicles whilst on club waters.
20) Please would anglers use unhooking mats when handling specimen fish
​Little Yeo Fishery
1) Current FULL Membership. Only anglers with this licence are permitted to fish these waters. Day tickets are NOT available for this fishery. All anglers must be in possession of a valid Environment Agency Rod licence.
2) Night fishing is strictly prohibited (1 hour before sunrise and I hour after sunset).
3) All fish must be returned safely to the waters, no fish to be transferred between ponds
4) No keepnets permitted on Bobs lake except for official club, competitions whereby carp and silver fish must be kept in separate nets. Guideline 25Kg per net maximum.
5) No fixed feeders/leads permitted on all club waters.
6) Bait restrictions: Boilies and nut baits are strictly prohibited.
7) NO artificial baits or lures permitted.
8) Barbless hooks only, to max size 10.
9) Juniors must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult.
10) When visiting Little Yeo, members are requested to respect the premises by keeping to designated pathways, closing all gates and by only using the permanent pegs provided.
11) NO dogs permitted.
12) Only Club organized matches allowed.
13) Maximum of ONE rod may be used at any one time, no rods or tackle to be left unattended.
14) All nets to be dipped including landing nets
15) Tiverton & District Angling Club will not be held responsible for loss or damage to property or vehicles whilst on club waters.
16) The use of braid is strictly prohibited.
17) No digging of bankside or removal of bankside vegetation including lilies
18) Please would anglers use unhooking mats when handling specimen fish
​​​​​​Pike Angling
1) Anglers should be in possession of a suitably large landing net, unhooking mat and unhooking tools at all times and these must be used.
2) Pike anglers are to use a wire trace at all times.
3) No fixed leads or any other rig that could tether a fish are to be used.
4) Pike should not be kept in keep nets and should be returned to the water safely.
5) Main line strength should be suitable for size of fish (15lb preferable).
6) Semi-barbless or crushed barb hooks only, including lures.
7) Pike anglers are asked to observe the Pike Anglers Club of GB fish care guidelines at all times.